Dear Parents,

It is a great pleasure to introduce myself before the beginning of a new school year.

I finished my education in USA got BA in Early Childhood Education, have been teaching for over 10 years. Also I’m a qualified Maternity Nurse lived in England for 10 years, now returning to Hungary with my family.

I finished my education in USA got BA in Early Childhood Education, have been teaching for over 10 years. Also I’m a qualified Maternity Nurse lived in England for 10 years, now returning to Hungary with my family.

I know Kindero went through lots of changes but I can assure you that we got wonderful, well-qualified friendly staff, who are more than happy to assist your child in their education. I’m going to put all my efforts and knowledge to create a homey atmosphere where children can grow and learn.

You will get a personal letter from your child’s classroom teacher about the class: themes, activities, daily programs as soon you provide the correct phone or e-mail address.

The required items to bring in with a name on:

Comfortable indoor shoes with velcro, (no crocks, no converse), a toothbrush and toothpaste, a set of spare clothes in case of getting messy or wet, diapers.

Our special activities / swimming, music, dance, sport, art) will start in 1stof October, you will get more information about it in our Open house /parents-teacher/ meeting: 20thof September!
Kindero is open from 8-5pm, the morning lessons are from 9:30 so please come on time. In the afternoon 10min. before 5 a clock the teachers will start to close the garden and by 5pm children will be at the entrance where you can pick up your child, if you are late please let us know.

Please, see attached our Parent handbook with practical information and our yearly calendar.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.

I look forward to meeting all of you soon!


Jane Havoch

Questões ou marcação de visita?
Entre em contacto conosco

924 744 198

Chamada para a rede móvel nacional

253 611 191

Chamada para a rede fixa nacional


Segunda – Sexta:
07:45 – 19:00

Sábado – Domingo:

Dias de encerramento do colégio (Sujeito a alterações):
15-31 de agosto, 24-31 de dezembro, terça-feira de carnaval, segunda-feira de Páscoa, feirados nacionais e municipais

© 2024 – ACAA – Associação Cristã Amor Em Ação
Todos os direitos reservados